Mehuva is more than a network. It is an acosystem that will bring together Advetisers, Venue Owners, Consumers and Contributors creating a market dynamic never seen before.
Each player in the ecosystem will benefit from Mehuva's decentralized network.
Advertisers use MEHU to directly create campaigns using the self-serve software tool.
Restaurants will get their revenue share in MEHU and can either retain the proceeds in tokens or convert to fiat. The earned MEHUs can also be offered to visiting customers as rewards or promotions.
Consumers can earn MEHU by engaging with a specific ad on the device. This will be done by scanning the QR-code of the ad and performing other specific actions set by advertisers.
Contributors, Sales and marketing partners as well as freelancers that help expand the Mehuva Network to new locations will be rewarded with MEHU tokens.
Decentralized it will provide the needed decentralized analytics storage and transparency solution around campaigns’ data without the performance and cost issues of public blockchains.
Permissioned MehuChain will be a permissioned blockchain. Meaning that transactions can be made visible to only a restricted group of participants or a specific person but not to others. The permission management is critical for analytics as each brand should have access to its own ad performance data without exposing them to competitors.
Support complex queries In addition, MehuChain will support complex queries over the distributed ledger with a similar flexibility of a database. This is required in order to produce elaborate reports.
Scalable Full blockchain nodes will be run by select participating venues as well as contributors. MehuChain will keep scaling along the expansion of the display network and nodes will be distributed across several geographies.